Ottorino De Lucchi

Ottorino De Lucchi

Ottorino De Lucchi was born in Ferrara, November 8 1951, he graduated in Chemistry (1975) and Pharmacy (1977) at the University of Padua. He has carried out research experiences at Sorin Biomedica, the Gulf South Research Institute of New Orleans (USA), the University of Puerto Rico (USA) and the University of Würzburg (BRD).

University researcher at the University of Padua and Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Sassari.

From 1990 holds the Chair of Organic Chemistry at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice where he holds the courses of "Organic Chemistry", of "Substances of Pharmaceutical Interest" and "Asymmetric Synthesis" for the Degree Courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry and of "Natural Organic Substances", of "Pigments and Dyes" and "Materials for Contemporary Art" for the Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration.

He was Director of the Spectroscopy Center and of the Chemistry Department of the University of Sassari, Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Rector and member of the Evaluation Unit of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice. Consultant for companies in the chemical-pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals sector. His current research interests are mainly focused on the study and preparation of organic molecules containing particular geometries and electronic distributions.

Author of over two hundred scientific publications, of some patents and over a hundred of proceedings and congress communications. He has held numerous conferences in national and international conferences and at Italian and foreign universities, especially in Germany and the United States. He has been a member of the Italian Chemical Society since 1977, where he held the position of President of the Organic Chemistry Division and since 1979 he is a member of the American Chemical Society. In 1984 received the Ciamician medal from the Italian Chemical Society, in 1993 the Federchimica prize and in the 1997 the prestigious Zeneca lecture prize, at Wilmington, USA. During his life he has always carried out artistic activity, intercalating her with her profession as a university chemist, especially during long stays abroad or away from the family.

He thus had the opportunity to deepen his knowledge of the materials and pictorial techniques on which he currently holds a course at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in the Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration. During his stay in the United States, he was able to get to know and observe Andrew Wyeth's work closely, passionate about the technique and virtuosity of his paintings, definiti come drybrush. Strong only with this information, he began a series of experiments that led to the independent development of a completely original technique, both in execution and in subjects.


DE-LU0722 Late Summer Evenings drybrush on vinyl-board 30x40 cm - 2022
DE-LU0734 Autumn evening drybrush on vinyl-board 50x40 cm - 2023
DE-LU0739 Still Summer drybrush on vinyl-board 40x50 cm - 2023
DE-LU0693 Giorni di Fine Stagione drybrush su vinilico-tavola cm 30x60 - 2021
DE-LU0693 End of Season Days drybrush on vinyl-board 30x60 cm - 2021
DE-LU0700 Early September drybrush on panel 40x50 cm - 2014
DE-LU0741 September in Cagnola drybrush on vinyl-board 30x60 cm - 2023
DE-LU0733 End of October drybrush on vinyl-board 50x40 cm - 2023
DE-LU0708 Day of Fog drybrush on vinyl-board 40x40 cm - 2021
DE-LU0738 Quasi Novembre drybrush on vinyl-board 40x50 cm - 2023
DE-LU0721 End of Season drybrush on vinyl-board 30x40 cm - 2022
DE-LU0717 Sera di Fine Novembre cm 30x50 - 2021
DE-LU0717 Late November evening drybrush on vinyl-board 30x50 cm - 2020
702 NM2037 Verso fine Novembre 40x60
DE-LU0702 Towards the end of November drybrush on vinyl-board 40x60 cm - 2020
DE-LU0618 Giorni di Fine Agosto drybrush su vinilico tavola cm 50x70 - 2018
DE-LU0618 Days of End of August drybrush on vinyl board 50x70 cm - 2018
DE-LU0694 Ultime Pere Villafranca drybrush su vinilico tavola cm 50x70 - 2020
DE-LU0694 Ultime Pere Villafranca drybrush on vinyl-board 50x70 cm - 2020
DE-LU0686 Ultima Uva drybrush on vinyl-board 50x70 cm - 2020
DE-LU0695 Ultime Mele Angera drybrush su vinilico-tavola cm 50x70 - 2020
DE-LU0695 Ultime Mele Angera drybrush on vinyl-board 50x70 cm - 2020
DE-LU0701 Di Sera in Autunno drybrush su tavola cm 25x50 - 2018
DE-LU0701 Evening in Autumn drybrush on panel 25x50 cm - 2018
DE-LU0723 May Sunday Morning drybrush on vinyl-board 40x30 cm - 2020
DE-LU0711 Fine Summer drybrush on vinyl-board 50x50 cm - 2022
DE-LU0725 My Roses on Dark Background drybrush on vinyl-board 40x30 cm - 2022
DE-LU0718 Fioretti Gialli drybrush on vinyl-board 40x40 cm - 2021
DE-LU0715 Along the ditch drybrush on vinyl-board 50x50 cm - 2022
DE-LU0736 Last Summer of August drybrush on vinyl-board 40x40 cm - 2023
DE-LU0724 Fine Summer drybrush on vinyl-board 50x40 cm - 2020
DE-LU0705 Al di qua della rete drbrush su vinilico-tavola cm 36.5x36.5 - 2021
DE-LU0705 On this side of the net drybrush on vinyl-table cm 36.5x36.5 - 2022
DE-LU0714 June evening drybrush on vinyl-board 50x40 cm - 2022
DE-LU0716 Ultimi di Aprile cm 35x71 - 2018
DE-LU0716 Last April drybrush on vinyl-board 35x71 cm - 2018
DE-LU0579 Giorno di Fine Aprile drybrush su acrilico tavola cm 36.5x36.5 - 2016
DE-LU0579 Late April Day drybrush on acrylic board 36.5x36.5 cm - 2016
DE-LU0580 Inverno ad Angera drybrush su acrilico tavola cm 36.5x36.5 - 2016
DE-LU0580 Winter in Angera drybrush on acrylic panel 36.5x36.5 cm - 2016
DE-LU0518 Towards Evening of August drybrush on cardboard cm 36.5x25.5 - 2013
DE-LU0479 In Winter drybrush on cardboard 26x37 cm - 2012
DE-LU0523 August drybrush on cardboard 40.5x30 cm - 2013

Exhibitions of the artist in the gallery

"San Sebastiano"